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DUNLOP Tyres selected as factory standard tyres for the all-new LEXUS LX

22 فبراير, 2022

DUNLOP Tyres selected as factory standard tyres for the all-new LEXUS LX

Sumitomo Rubber Middle East is pleased to announce that Sumitomo Rubber Industries, Ltd. has begun supplying our high-performance DUNLOP tyres - “GRANDTREK AT30 TOURING” in size 265/55R20 113V XL and “GRANDTREK PT5A” in size 265/50R22 112V XL to LEXUS for use as factory standard tyres on their all-new LX model for the Middle East market. We are also proud to announce that our 22-inch “GRANDTREK PT5A” tyres represent the largest factory standard tyres in the history of the LX Series.

As befits the flagship SUV of the LEXUS brand, the all-new LX seeks to further refine the luxurious sense of quality that only LEXUS can provide while steadfastly maintaining the reliability, durability and off-road capabilities that have long been synonymous with the LX Series.

Our DUNLOP “GRANDTREK AT30 Touring” and “GRANDTREK PT5A” tyres incorporate an innovative new tread compound that provides enhanced performance in terms of fuel efficiency and wear resistance while also reducing overall tyre weight, thereby contributing to improved vehicle fuel economy and all-around environmental friendliness. Our “GRANDTREK PT5A” tyres also adopt a groundbreaking new tread pattern that optimizes the distribution of stress force throughout the contact patch.  As a result, these tyres provide a quieter drive and enhanced steering stability, thereby contributing to the refined riding comfort that one would expect from the latest model LX.

The Sumitomo Rubber Group has proudly supplied factory standard tyres for many past iterations of the LX Series. When developing these tyres for the latest model LX, we took full advantage of the advanced SUV tyre development capabilities and cutting-edge technologies that we have cultivated over the years while also adeptly accounting for current market needs. We anticipated any and all road conditions that an SUV may encounter while working tirelessly to create tyres that would make no compromises when it came to both on-road and off-road performance.

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